Does Attendance Management Impacts a Business?

Attendance Management System

Managing employee time has never been easy!

Time and attendance management is a complex HR process that consumes significant amount of managerial time. Maintaining leave records and managing attendance data manually is cumbersome and an impractical approach. This brings up complexities pertaining to employee queries, including leave balance and leave adjustments. It takes a toll on HR and managers’ productive hours, and quite often employers don’t succeed in accurately tracking employee absenteeism.

Approving employee leaves is a delicate balancing act. Leave rejection decreases employee satisfaction levels and leave approval brings on additional workload on the available team members. Before a manager approves or rejects a leave, they need to go through employees’ attendance details showing previous leave records. It makes the leave approval process fair and does not make the employee-manager relation bitter.

Tracking leave records helps the managers to identify patterns in employee absenteeism and thus aids them in correct decision making.

According to a report by SHRM, employees’ paid absences costs 20.9% to 22.1% of the total payroll. Excessive unplanned absenteeism results in extra work handed to other team members, a drop in the organization’s productivity and an increased financial burden to the company. This further disrupts the work of others and lowers morale.

A well-structured leave management process is essential for any organization. By tracking leave records, line managers and HR ensure availability of sufficient resources for business continuity and avoids leave compliance issues.

How does a web based attendance management system benefit a business?

Calculate leave balance accurately & increase efficiency in managing leaves

Employees need time off and HR needs to manage it accurately.

An automated leave management software manages the task of calculation of leave balances efficiently, while taking minimal input from the users. The system tracks employee attendance and syncs leave records of employees working across multiple shifts, time zones and at geographies.

Once an automated leave and attendance management system is configured, in-time and out-time codes for each employee are automatically taken care of, thereby accurately recording presence and calculating hours worked.

Such as system decreases workload of HR administrator and cuts down on employee queries.

Easy integration with payroll module

Obtaining 100 percent accuracy in manual leave record management is not possible. Every year, businesses pay millions of dollars form is calculated employee time-off.

When a web based attendance management system is integrated with a payroll software, the integration eliminates the risks involved in the manual processes.

Payroll errors are minimized which results in cost savings and accuracy.

A continuous pattern of excessive employee absences result in loss of productivity and affect the work culture. Taking corrective actions to manage employee absenteeism in timely manner is necessary.

Having an automated leave management system helps.

It ensures compliance with leave policy and makes payroll calculations accurate. Availability of resources can be ensured when managers have records about employee absences.