Employee Self-Services: A Tool to Increase Employee Autonomy and HR Efficiency

According to a Hunter Group’s Human Resources Self Service survey, more than 90 percent of 342 companies surveyed are ”successful or somewhat successful” in employee self-service implementations. The survey shows that the number of companies using web-based self-services will increase from 46% to 82%, a striking statistic for sure. On an average, a company would spend $1.5 million on self-services solution, depending upon the size of the organization and the type of solution implemented.


The Wave of Employee Self-Services is Raging

The term “Employee Self-Services” must have echoed at least once in every Human Resource department. That’s the impact of technology on human resource management. Employee self-service (ESS) refers to a technology solution which allows employees to access their personal information and conduct vast array of people-related transactions through a centralized gateway or online website.

HR departments managing on-paper transactions and employee files spend as much as 65% of their time on administrative work, thus becoming a tedious and time-consuming task. ESS aims to give ownership to employees for managing their own data, cut down paperwork and expense, and reduce burden from HR team.

A Towers Watson report named New Horizons, No Boundaries stated that as organizations are rapidly deploying self-service technology, employees and line managers are becoming more interested in these capabilities and the ability to access & control their own data. Hassle-free ESS positively impact employee satisfaction level, and this becomes a key to success for engagement initiatives taken by an employer.

Here are a few reasons that have improved self-service software adoption rates and given more time to HR to focus on core processes.

  • Cut Down Queries

An ESS tool provides answers to frequently asked questions and offer employees a convenient way to apply and approve leave, check leave balances, update personal data, complete benefits and enrollment forms, get approval on travel expense from managers, access the employee directory, view organizational hierarchy, to name a few functions. Employees feel satisfied using customized, user-friendly ESS tool as they can instantly access and process any personal information online, in just a few clicks.

  • Save Company Costs

Using a self-service technology solution significantly reduces costs that is spent on paper forms and files. The need to hire a huge HR team to manage employee-related processes and administrative work can also be eliminated.

  • Speed Up Decision Making

Employees remain informed when their data is made accessible to them. For instance, they can check their leave balance before applying for a leave request to the manager. Employees can access their benefits and enrollment information anytime and modify it according to their preferences.

Mass surveys can be conducted, and employees’ opinions can be gathered through a self-service portal. The leadership can make decisions by analyzing employee opinions. This simplifies decision making and increases employee engagement.

  • Simplify Communication

Harness the opportunity to communicate updates on benefits plan, health plan, company holidays and more. Self-service technology simplifies company-wide communication and keep all stakeholders updated on any changes in HR policies.

An ESS tool can keep new hires informed about company policies and workplace rules. New hires can access company directory to know basic details about their colleagues. They may even check Organizational Chart to identify company hierarchy structure.

  • Empower Employees

Just like online banking allows customers to manage their transactions and money from any part of the world, you too can empower your employees by giving them high level of control, access and responsibility to efficiently manage and modify their personal and performance data. Online employee self-services give autonomy, sense of accountability and ownership to employees, which increases their satisfaction and engagement. A report by Aberdeen Group shows that Employee Self Service software helps in increasing employee engagement by 18%.

Though there are many HR vendors offering these solutions, yet experts suggest choosing a software provider that specializes in employee self-service technology. Empxtrack is a leading ESS solution provider that serves in more than 20 countries and is well-known for offering user-friendly self-service portals to ensure compliance and save costs. Since ESS technology has a great impact on employee engagement, do not risk and choose the software wisely.


How Frequent Should Goal Tracking and Review Be Done?


Now that we are in the second quarter, that’s the middle of the year as precisely said, this is a good time to check progress on employee goals. Compare their performance against goals that were set in the beginning of the year.

Find out, if your team has achieved all goals set for this quarter or they have lost track of some of them. What if your team members are facing performance issues in achieving those goals? Can you help them to be on track? Well without further ado, call for a meeting and discuss each employee’s performance goal status, if you haven’t done already.

A manager’s role doesn’t end with setting up of performance goals. Goal setting is just the beginning. Tracking of these goals is crucial. Goal progress tells if employees are moving in the right direction or not. Goal tracking and review should be an ongoing process to see how employees have been performing and what are the performance challenges that need to be addressed.

Goal Review and Alignment Is Important

Goals can be easily measured and tracked, if they are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based (SMART goals). The frequency to review performance goals entirely depends on the needs of employees. Weekly, bi-weekly or monthly – the need to discuss goals and their progress is unique for each team and individual.

Reviewing employee goals keeps employees looking forward to new accomplishments and rewards, along with pushing back performance issues. Clear performance expectations from managers help employees go a long way and perform even better.

At all times, employees’ goals must be tied with their day-to-day tasks. Such that an employee’s actual work tasks are always in alignment with team goals.

Some goals take a little longer than expected to accomplish. Reviewing their progress at regular intervals is critical to ensure that the employees are moving forward and not stuck in a particular task. The best way is to plan strategically and set short-term goals at various intervals, such that it keeps an employee on the path of achieving larger team goals.

Frequent Goal Tracking and Review Boost Employee Productivity

As reported by Inc., more than 80% of small business owners don’t keep track of business goals. This results into loss of productivity, lost employee morale and low overall business profitability. Goal tracking, performance review, constructive feedback and continuous coaching are the right ways to build a high performing workforce and increase revenues.

These days, employers use automated goal setting and tracking tools to measure employee performance, achievements and identify employees who need guidance and mentoring. The use of automated systems is on the rise, because experts suggest that those who write down goals and measure them continuously remain more focused and achieve more, than those who don’t.

Goal tracking tool also makes it possible to share goals with the entire team and share their progress transparently among all stakeholders. Automatic reminders even keep employees on their toes to meet goals, if they’re achieved on time.

Remember, when effective goal setting is combined with a transparent and practical way to track and measure goal achievements, it contributes to improved team productivity and better business results.

Set goals, but don’t forget to measure and track them, such that performance issues are identified and resolved in a timely manner!

Motivate Millennials – Does the Job-Hopping Generation Feel Engaged at Your Workplace?


In 2015, 33 percent of total American workforce comprised of Millennials as stated by Pew Research Center. Majority of employed millennials is increasing with each passing year. By 2020, Millennials are expected to comprise nearly half of the entire U.S. workforce.

If so, then how can we not emphasize on the importance of motivating millennials and put our best efforts to nurture and retain them?

Well, a lot has been already written about millennials and their preferred workplace practices No matter how entitled, fickle minded and smartphone dependent this generation is, there must be a well-thought strategy put in place to motivate these young minds (aging between 18 to 35 years) in significant ways.

As millennials will eventually become the future a business, a motivated work environment must be created to boost productivity, engagement and satisfaction among them.

How to Motivate Gen Y?

  1. Make Them Digital Superstars

No doubt, generation Y is the most technologically advanced group of people. Their life revolves around technology gadgets, social platforms, online shopping, and what not. They enjoy digital experiences all the way more.

To make their experience better at the workplace, digital solutions must be implemented. Bring all the employee related processes online and offer tools to manage their own data. Empower millennials with technology and digital experiences.

Mobile devices also give flexibility to work from anywhere any time, without refraining oneself to the 9-to-5 office schedules.

  1. Make Them a Part of Big Picture

Millennials are ambitious more than any generation before them. Link them with a company’s vision and tell them leadership goals. They want to know the reasons for performing tasks and how are they going to contribute to the company as a whole.

Make them understand the company culture and company goals so they perform better and know what they’re doing is for a purpose.

  1. Make Them Feel Inspired

A company doesn’t have to be break the bank to keep the millennial workforce inspired and motivated. Create a positive work environment and good team collaboration to keep them inspired.

Conduct one-on-one meetings whenever possible. Get to know their personal problems along with professional challenges. Support them in their tough time and extend a helping hand whenever needed.

  1. Make Sure They Enjoy Office Perks

When employees don’t enjoy work environment and culture, their productivity decreases.

Ensure your workplace seems to be more inviting and welcoming. Encourage employees to take breaks and meet with people in other departments. This not only enriches knowledge about the business, but also help in making bonds.

A bright, open and happy office room with better lighting and other necessities often remains to be an underrated factor in motivating employees. Employers must understand employee needs. Put efforts to make them feel happier and fulfilled.

Sometimes, small investments leave deep impact on motivation in the workplace. Employers should constantly offer well-being opportunities to the workforce, such as periodic fitness classes, access to a fitness center and more.

  1. Make Them Feel Valued with an “Open Door” Policy

Establish “open door” work culture where employees feel free to walk up to their supervisor for a discussion. Open door policy eliminates conflicts from the workplace and gives employees a chance to put forward their thoughts, whenever needed.

  1. Make Sure Employee Opinions Matter

Millennials feel valued and motivated when their opinions matter in a decision making. Conduct surveys to know what needs to be changed in the workplace and analyze opinions. Make decisions and action plans based on the survey results.

  1. Make Sure They Feel Fulfilled

Millennials look for meaningful work and a sense of accomplishment. These factors are the biggest motivators. Clear work expectations and constant achievements make them feel them satisfied and accomplished.

Gen Y appreciates transparency in the work culture. Employee motivation would surely be high at workplaces where individuals feel accountable for their work and feel motivated to perform better.

Managers also play a vital role in employee motivation. Their constructive feedback and praise becomes the constant source of inspiration for team members.

The above suggestions are easy-to-implement. While each business is different and employee needs are unique, the fundamentals behind these tips can be implemented. Observe your current work culture, identify motivation levels of the workforce and implement the ideas.


Why Has Employee Goal Tracking Become Important Than Ever?

How do I contribute to a company’s mission?

What are the tasks that needs to be prioritized first?

Am I productive enough to give good business outcomes?

Employees look for an answer to these questions to understand the importance of their job role within an organization.

Goal Setting and Tracking Is More Important Than Ever


Making the employees reach goals is an important part of a manager’s job. Often, employees and managers set goals during employee performance reviews and forget about them for the rest of the year. This results in unachieved targets and low employee productivity. It becomes a big challenge to drive accountability for goals and keep employees productive and focused on what is important. Common challenges faced by employees are:

Unclear work expectations – Goals aren’t effectively set, until they are clearly tied with a company’s strategy. Each task must be clearly defined and should be aligned with organizational objectives. Or else the employees would be unclear about the company’s expectations from them.

Unable to prioritize work – People are unaware of top priority work and are often seen spending time on tasks which are low on priority. This affects their overall performance and business productivity.

Ineffective goal tracking – Employees are often seen working on the goals without managers measuring their real-time goal progress. If performance is not monitored and evaluated in a timely manner, there won’t be any corrective action plan resulting into more number of under-performers in the organization.

From Setting Up SMART Goals to Monitoring Progress – How Does the Process Increase Employee Productivity?

How many of you reading this post are aware of your organizational objectives?

Not many, I guess.

Since childhood, I have been taught that people with goals succeed in life while others compromise being average players. Goals and objectives are important. Assigning and tracking employee goals is an effective way for employees to understand their work, responsibilities and achievements.

The process of Goal Setting serves a purpose. It tells each individual what’s expected of them. Specific, measurable and time-bound goals help in performance improvement. It not only strengthens accountability, but also clarifies all responsibilities associated with specific tasks. When there is clarity of work, it becomes easier to contribute and achieve.

The next step is to track progress at each stage, without a fail. Managers (and employees themselves) have a critical role to play in goal tracking and monitoring achievements continuously.

It’s human nature to be more mindful when performance is measured at each step on pre-defined parameters. Managers can track progress to make sure that team members are spending time on meaningful tasks each day. Review goals at least once or twice a month to keep employees focused on what matters the most.

Take one step at a time, and you’ll be half way there. Setting and tracking goals is an age-old practice. Follow it to achieve bigger goals in personal as well as professional life.

How many of you reading this post are aware of your organizational objectives?

Not many, I guess.

Since childhood, I have been taught that people with goals succeed in life while others compromise being average players. Goals and objectives are important. Assigning and tracking employee goals is an effective way for employees to understand their work, responsibilities and achievements.

The process of Goal Setting serves a purpose. It tells each individual what’s expected of them. Specific, measurable and time-bound goals help in performance improvement. It not only strengthens accountability, but also clarifies all responsibilities associated with specific tasks. When there is clarity of work, it becomes easier to contribute and achieve.

The next step is to track progress at each stage, without a fail. Managers (and employees themselves) have a critical role to play in goal tracking and monitoring achievements continuously.

It’s human nature to be more mindful when performance is measured at each step on pre-defined parameters. Managers can track progress to make sure that team members are spending time on meaningful tasks each day. Review goals at least once or twice a month to keep employees focused on what matters the most.

Take one step at a time, and you’ll be half way there. Setting and tracking goals is an age-old practice. Follow it to achieve bigger goals in personal as well as professional life.

How 360-Degree Assessment Makes an Employee Review Transparent?

Significance of 360-Degree Review in Employee Appraisals

In many organizations, traditional performance appraisals don’t work.

The old-school approach of conducting employee review (only managers providing the performance feedback to team) has shown low success rate and fewer number of high performing employees. Since feedback is solely provided by managers, it can be biased resulting in demotivation of employees.

Appraisals can be made more effective, accurate and meaningful if combined with 360-degree assessment. In a 360 review, multiple stakeholders provide feedback on an employee’s performance and behavior to identify their strengths, weaknesses and areas of improvement. A multirater review is brings transparency to the evaluation process and fairly evaluate the employees.


Employees believe that this type of holistic feedback is more validating than receiving feedback from a manager alone.

Reviewers rate an employee on multiple qualities, including leadership, communication, teamwork, collaboration, skills and expertise. The responses received by reviewers are kept anonymous and confidential. Team members feel more accountable to each other as they get a chance to give input in one’s performance evaluation. This improves team communication and helps in making employee development plans for individuals.

How to Succeed in Implementing a 360-Degree Assessment?

A 360-degree review can go a long way, if it –

  • Involves right stakeholders
  • Clarifies the purpose of evaluation to all the reviewers
  • Maintains anonymity of the stakeholders and confidentiality of the feedback results
  • Includes right parameters in the employee review process
  • Develops and executes a corrective action plan in a timely manner

It has been discussed in a previous post that 360-degree feedback is effective for development of an employee. The feedback obtained can be used for an individual’s performance improvement, team development and organizational growth.

Benefits of 360-Degree Assessment

  1. Increase Self-Awareness

In a multirater feedback process, reviewers provide ratings on different attributes, and anonymously highlight strengths and weaknesses of an individual. These insights are useful for an employee to understand how others perceive their behavior and performance.

  1. Holistic View on Multiple Parameters

A well-rounded review is conducted to get a balanced view on an employee’s behavior, performance, skills and other qualities. The process is unbiased as it involves a variety of people within the organization. Not just supervisor, but feedback is collected from multiple sources which gives more accurate and a clear picture on an employee’s conduct, his skills and competencies

  1. Identify Training Needs

When employees’ shortcomings are unveiled with a 360-degree assessment, employers can plan better and focus on the required training and development needs of employees.

Improve employees’ performance, boost their career growth and increase company’s effectiveness with having a 360-degree employee review process in your organization

Top Five Recruitment Challenges and Ways to Eliminate Them


Recruitment is a time-consuming and complex process. It costs a lot of money, and can be ineffective, for the recruiter and applicants, if not designed and implemented carefully.

The role of recruiters and hiring managers remains challenging, and they are always on their toes to find talent which is a perfect fit for their work culture.

Over past few years, attracting top talent has become a priority for competitive organizations. Recruitment landscape is totally different from what it was 10 years back. Organizations are now taking up advantages of technology to thrive in today’s recruiting ecosystem. The talent acquisition teams are making continuous efforts towards acquirement of the most eligible and qualified candidates for vacant positions.

Look at few interesting and useful data facts outlined here to understand how multiple stakeholders perceive traditional recruitment process.

  • Experts say it takes an average of 27 working days to make a new hire.
  • Recruiters fear the fact that best candidates (top talent) are off the market within 10 days. And on top of it, the average cost per hire is $4000.
  • 60% of employers remain concerned with the cost of unfilled job positions.
  • 15% of candidates who have a positive hiring experience put more effort into a job.
  • If applicants do not have good experience with an employer, chances are that 64% of them would share negative application experiences with friends and family, and 27% would actively discourage others from applying.
  • 60% of candidates quit an application process if it takes too long.
  • 66% candidates believe that interactions with existing employees are the best way to get insights into a company.

These research points are quite alarming. Aren’t they?

Recruiters surely need to identify hiring and onboarding challenges in their organization and put efforts to overcome them, before they miss out on acquiring top talent.

Common Recruitment Challenges

There is an ongoing intense competition to recruit top talent in organizations across the world. Looking out for innovative ways to recruit and onboard new employees is essential. Poor hiring choices, ineffective onboarding process and delay in filling up key leadership positions within an organization can affect a company’s overall performance and bottom line.

Recruiters highlight few challenges:

  • With limited budget and staff, more than 50% of organizations are unable to execute formal recruitment strategies for hiring the best talent.
  • Lack of advanced recruiting tools make the process very slow.
  • Recruiters are unable to keep applicants informed at each step with necessary job-related information. They are unable to efficiently manage candidate records and their necessary details during the hiring process which results in poor communication and inefficient process. Delayed updates from the recruiters leaves a bad impact on applicants.
  • First few initial days are spent in form filling and dealing with list of paperwork. Onboarding is less interactive and time consuming. This increases time to productivity.
  • Handle ‘No show’ recruiting problem where applicants do not show up for interviews or they abscond from the company immediately after they join. This happens due to poor employer reputation and low engagement efforts.

Are you finding it difficult to overcome challenges in hiring and onboarding? Need help.

Glassdoor has recommended following metrics to measure the quality of hires, influence over hires and retention, which should serve as a good starting point:

  • Cost-Per-Hire
  • Time-to-Hire
  • Candidate Demographics
  • Cost-Per-Applicant
  • Source of Applicants
  • Candidates’ application experience
  • Company Reputation and Ratings

Measuring these metrics may help in understanding reasons for inefficient hiring and onboarding. Integrating an automated recruitment tool can support organizations to streamline recruitment process, from sourcing to hiring and onboarding. Automation of recruitment process can help in two ways:

Attract and Retain Talent: Optimize your applicant tracking process by managing resumes, exploring multiple channels, short listing candidates, scheduling interviews and sending offer letters.

Engage New Hires: Automate your on-boarding process and seamlessly connect your new hires to all the resources they need to make on-boarding a stress free and error free process.

With the help of automated recruiting tool, HR managers can create a customized set of steps to track all applicants as they pass through the different stages of your hiring funnel. Automation further reduces onboarding challenges, eliminates excessive paper work and accelerates time to productivity.

Give better experience to candidates and improve satisfaction. This will help in improving company’s reputation and branding as an employer, and will surely result in attracting top talent and achieve better company performance.

So, now you know where to start with. Get A Recruitment Software and change the way you hire and onboard employees!


Goal Tracking – Make Employees Accountable Without Micromanaging Them

Smiling photo editors using computer in their officeDo managers set employee goals only to overlook them during performance evaluation? Are the performance goals being tracked by managers?

In this post, you’ll discover few useful ways to make employees more accountable for their performance goals.

Employee goal setting and tracking process is about setting SMART goals, reviewing them and tracking employee performance continuously.Thus, providing insights to the manager into the overall performance of his team members and enabling him to mentor his employees for better collaboration on organizational goals.

A reliable goal setting and tracking software supports managers, employees, and the leadership in multiple ways. Few benefits of settingand tracking clearly defined goals that are aligned to company goals:

  • Employees get clarity in their targets and a better understanding of organizational objectives. Hence, they make continuous efforts to achieve them.
  • Managers can –
  1. View goal achievements anytime and guide their team members to take timely corrective actions.
  2. Continuously monitor performance of individuals and team at each step
  3. Add, remove and modify employee goals to meet current business needs.
  4. Compare assigned and achieved performance goals to make informed decisions during performance appraisals.
  • Goal setting can be integrated into a performance review system to make appraisals more meaningful.
  • Improves employee engagement leading to better retention and low turnover

By setting specific, measurable and attainable goals,managers guide their team to perform better and contribute significantly in organizational growth.

Tracking employee goal achievements against performance goals enables managers to get insights into employees’ performance and mentor them on taking corrective steps.

Empxtrack software, a highly configurable and functional cloud-based tool,ensures that best employee goal setting and tracking practices are implemented across the organization.

Empxtrack enables managers to continuously add, remove and modify employee goals throughout the year. This keeps employees more focused towards the short-term team goals and organizational objectives.

More than hundreds of organizations are using Empxtrack Goal Setting and Tracking software to motivate employees and keep them accountable for their work. See how.

  • View goal status and progress– The leadership can quickly view the status of goal sheets across the teams. Managers can also view and approve employee goal achievements, and take remedial actions in a timely manner if achievements are slipping.


  • Employees can track their progress on a weekly basis –Performance appraisal become more meaningful when managers can review and track employee goals on a regular basis.
  • Send automatic reminders to employees for capturing their goals achievements – Employees are automatically reminded to capture their achievements eliminating the need to capture updates through emails and spreadsheets. Empxtrack system reminds them to fill in their goal achievements periodically.
  • View reports and analytics – With Empxtrack, goals can be divided into tasks and measures to mentor and guide employees. Managers, HR, and the leadership can view employee goal status and achievements using intuitive reports and analytics.

Empxtrack goal tracking module assists managers and the leadership to easily monitor the performance of their teams through year-long performance reports.

  • Identify top performers and low performers – Identification of employees performing exceptionally well and those who are unable to achieve their assigned goals has become much simpler.

 Can employers implement Empxtrack to make goal setting and tracking easy, well-structured and efficient, and keep employees aligned, motivated and engaged?

Certainly, yes!

Setting goals and tracking their achievements is an important part of an organization. Goals can shape an organization’s path by setting clear work expectations for employees, supporting them to align with the organizational goals and tracking their performance continuously. And Empxtrack software makes the process easier – by improving the performance of individuals, teams and the organization.


HR can be a big contributor to your company’s business strategy

Wondering why HR should be involved in strategic business planning?


HR leaders have the experience and expertise to leave a significant impact on a company’s bottom line in a job market where organizations compete to find top talent. From recruitment to workforce engagement, or from employee development to retention strategies, HR provides data-driven insights that are helpful to an organization in achieving its business objectives.

More than 65% CEOs believe that the opinions of HR leaders carry more weightage with senior management, as stated in a report by Career Builder. In fact, nearly 3/4thof CEOs say that their HR leaders provide data that can be incorporated into their business strategy.

It’s clear that HR has the INSIGHTS and data to support company processes, empower workforce and optimize their human capital in the right ways. They understand company’s work culture, the need to hire top talent, and are already a significant part of many talent management processes that build a workforce to achieve business goals. Involving the human resource team in business planning can be a start to a new beginning!

Below are four benefits you’ll receive by involving HR into strategic business decisions:

  1. Build a Happy &Engaged Workforce

Besides recruiting top talent, HR manages performance appraisals, career planning, succession planning, employee development and other talent management processes that lead an organization to success. HR plays a vital role in workforce engagement and satisfaction while building a productive workforce with high retention rates. Since HR is involved in these people-related processes, their opinion may matter when bringing change to the existing processes.

HR leaders can help create a collaborative, team-oriented, and learning environment. This flexible, openwork culture improves an employer’s chances to retain top talent.

       2.Improve Recruitment

HR leaders pro actively use data to allocate recruiting resources, address hiring challenges, and create programs to improve candidate experience.

HR can quickly identify the bottlenecks in recruitment and take remedial action. This may include the procurement of an applicant tracking system, training of recruiters, on-boarding, better coordination between different stakeholders or even the improvements of job descriptions.

Post the identification of the challenges, HR can focus on the areas that would have the maximum impact to the organizations goals.

       3. Identify & Fill Skill Gaps

HR can identify the skill gaps in the organization by using performance management tools. Once identified, they can suggest the best course of action – whether it is related to internal hiring, training or external hiring.

These plans can be changed based on sudden exits of key employees as well.

When HR is aware of the organization strategy, they can create a roadmap to achieve the short-term, medium term and long terms goals from the perspective of skill requirements in the organization.

With the emergence of HR technology and advanced tools, human resource professionals have access to reports and data analytics for each process. Involving HR in contributing to business strategy can be a great move to get an edge over your competition.

Does Attendance Management Impacts a Business?

Attendance Management System

Managing employee time has never been easy!

Time and attendance management is a complex HR process that consumes significant amount of managerial time. Maintaining leave records and managing attendance data manually is cumbersome and an impractical approach. This brings up complexities pertaining to employee queries, including leave balance and leave adjustments. It takes a toll on HR and managers’ productive hours, and quite often employers don’t succeed in accurately tracking employee absenteeism.

Approving employee leaves is a delicate balancing act. Leave rejection decreases employee satisfaction levels and leave approval brings on additional workload on the available team members. Before a manager approves or rejects a leave, they need to go through employees’ attendance details showing previous leave records. It makes the leave approval process fair and does not make the employee-manager relation bitter.

Tracking leave records helps the managers to identify patterns in employee absenteeism and thus aids them in correct decision making.

According to a report by SHRM, employees’ paid absences costs 20.9% to 22.1% of the total payroll. Excessive unplanned absenteeism results in extra work handed to other team members, a drop in the organization’s productivity and an increased financial burden to the company. This further disrupts the work of others and lowers morale.

A well-structured leave management process is essential for any organization. By tracking leave records, line managers and HR ensure availability of sufficient resources for business continuity and avoids leave compliance issues.

How does a web based attendance management system benefit a business?

Calculate leave balance accurately & increase efficiency in managing leaves

Employees need time off and HR needs to manage it accurately.

An automated leave management software manages the task of calculation of leave balances efficiently, while taking minimal input from the users. The system tracks employee attendance and syncs leave records of employees working across multiple shifts, time zones and at geographies.

Once an automated leave and attendance management system is configured, in-time and out-time codes for each employee are automatically taken care of, thereby accurately recording presence and calculating hours worked.

Such as system decreases workload of HR administrator and cuts down on employee queries.

Easy integration with payroll module

Obtaining 100 percent accuracy in manual leave record management is not possible. Every year, businesses pay millions of dollars form is calculated employee time-off.

When a web based attendance management system is integrated with a payroll software, the integration eliminates the risks involved in the manual processes.

Payroll errors are minimized which results in cost savings and accuracy.

A continuous pattern of excessive employee absences result in loss of productivity and affect the work culture. Taking corrective actions to manage employee absenteeism in timely manner is necessary.

Having an automated leave management system helps.

It ensures compliance with leave policy and makes payroll calculations accurate. Availability of resources can be ensured when managers have records about employee absences.